Social Science General Electives

ECO 201, ECO 202 Principles of Economics I-II
GEO 200 Introduction to Physical Geography
GEO 210 People and the Land: An Intro to Cultural Geography
GEO 220  World Regional Geography 
GEO 230 Political Geography 
HIS 101, HIS 102 History of Western Civilization I–II 
HIS 111, HIS 112 History of World Civilization I-II
HIS 121, HIS 122 United States History I-II
PLS 211, PLS 212 U.S. Government I-II 
PSY 200  Principles of Psychology 
PSY 215  Abnormal Psychology 
PSY 216  Social Psychology 
PSY 225 Theories of Personality
PSY 230  Developmental Psychology
 PSY 231, PSY 232 Life Span Human Development I-II
PSY 235 Child Psychology 
PSY 270 Psychology of Human Sexuality
SOC 200 Principles of Sociology 
SOC 210 Survey of Physical & Cultural Anthropology 
SOC 215 Sociology of the Family 
SOC 225 Gender and Sex Roles 
SOC 236 Criminology
SOC 245 Sociology of Aging 
SOC 246  Death and Society
SOC 247  Sociology of Death and Dying
SOC 250 Sociology of Sport
SOC 268 Social Problems 

Literature General Electives

ENG 241, ENG 242 Survey of American Literature I-II
ENG 243, ENG 244 Survey of English Literature I-II
ENG 250 Children’s Literature

Humanities General Electives

All courses in Literature General Electives
ART 101, ART 102 History and Appreciation of Art I-II
 ART 111, ART 112 Introduction to the Arts I-II 
ART 150  History of Film and Animation  
 CST 151 Film Appreciation I 
 HUM 100  Survey of the Humanities
 HUM 260 Survey of Twentieth-Century Culture 
MUS 101, MUS 102  Basic Musicianship I-II
MUS 111, MUS 112   Music Theory I-II
 MUS 121, MUS 122 Music Appreciation I-II 
 PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy I 
 PHI 220  Ethics
 PHI 265  Philosophy of Religion
REL 200  Survey of the Old Testament
REL 210 Survey of the New Testament 
REL 230  Religions of the World
REL 235  Major Religious Thinkers
REL 247  History of Christianity

Science General Electives

BIO 101, BIO 102 General Biology I-II
CHM 101, CHM 102 General Chemistry I-II
CHM 111, CHM 112 College Chemistry I-II
GOL 105 Physical Geology
GOL 106 Historical Geology
PHY 101, PHY 102 Introduction to Physics I-II
PHY 201, PHY 202 General College Physics I-II
PHY 241, PHY 242 University Physics I-II

Math General Electives

MTH 151, MTH 152 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts I-II
MTH 157 Elementary Statistics
MTH 163, MTH 164 Pre-Calculus Mathematics I-II
MTH 173, MTH 174 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I-II
MTH 177 Introductory Linear Algebra
MTH 240 Statistics
MTH 271 Applied Calculus I
MTH 272 Applied Calculus II
MTH 277 Vector Calculus
MTH 279 Ordinary Differential Equations

Transfer Electives

The social/behavioral sciences elective requirement can be satisfied by courses with the following prefixes: ECO, GEO, PLS, HIS, PSY, and SOC. Please see Social Science General Electives

The literature elective requirement can be satisfied by any 200-level English literature course, exclusive of composition and creative writing courses. Please see Literature General Electives

The humanities elective requirement can be satisfied by completing literature (ENG), foreign language, humanities (HUM), philosophy (PHI), art (ART), music (MUS), speech courses addressing performing arts or the history of theatre (CST) and religion courses (REL). ENG 112, CST 100, CST 105, CST 110 and CST 115 may not be used to satisfy humanities electives requirements. Please see Humanities General Electives

Students should consult with their academic advisors to determine the most appropriate electives for their intended transfer institutions and majors.
All courses in Social Science General Electives
All courses in Literature General Electives
All courses in Humanities General Electives
All courses in Science General Electives
All courses in Math General Electives
ACC 211, ACC 212 Principles of Accounting I-II
BIO 141 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 142 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO 150 Introductory Microbiology
BUS 100 Introduction to Business
BUS 241 Business Law I
ENG 211, ENG 212 Creative Writing I-II
HIS 205 Local History
HIS 269 Civil War and Reconstruction
NAS 150 Human Biology